Nicholas Laughton

"Look around you... these things keep happening! It's not an overreaction anymore. Open your eyes. There's a Reraizer at work here-"

"Don't Julianna. Don't be foolish. Reraizure is just a myth... a fantasy of conspiracy. You don't really know what you're saying. Besides, if you're right..."

"If I'm right, it could be anyone... and we'd never know it. It could be you or me... Susanne... or even Nicky."

He looks human, and youthful. An educated guess would be that he's in his early twenties. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin... he has the kind of looks that a certain circle of society would find charming, even lovely. If you're observant, you might notice that there's an occasional sharpness in his gaze, a graceful economy of movement, as if he's taking everything in, and doing nothing more & nothing less than what is required to perfectly accomplish a task...

A well bred, wealthy young man, you decide... possibly minor nobility... he certainly has the manners, affectations and the elegant, superior air of a aristocrat.

But there are rumours...

Rumours, that's not quite the word. Whispers, really. Nothing more than murmured gossip, or speculation. The Baron's wife had said... or perhaps you heard something from Aerik Winters... spoke to one of Aerik's friends...

If you are a mage, a telepath, someone with suspicions and a Gift, you might try a scan... It immediately puts you at ease. Nicky's exactly what he seems to be after all, a young man, unGifted, the son of some minor nobility...

[Abilities] [Reraizure - Employment Record] [Allies and Enemies]